Sunday, May 25, 2008

Juicing in Paradise

Today I'm preparing to begin a 14 day raw organic juice fast. This is my first journey through detox juice fasting. I'm starting with 14 days because I have a guest coming for her grand Hawaiian vacation. I think it may be difficult to continue a fast while she is here. However I may just try. My goal is to complete a 30 day juice fast at some point down the road. This would give my body a complete cleanse. I'm also looking forward to the weight loss that comes with fasting.

I will be writing about the highs and lows of the fast daily. I know I'm harboring a lot of toxins including a mother load of mercury (per my doctors diagnosis) so I'm sure that a few of the upcoming days will be tough to get through, but very rewarding in the end.

I made fresh juice this morning from (all organic) beet, carrots, cucumber and 1/2 apple. It was delicious. I also have been recently juicing or blending fresh green veggies. I've found repeatedly how refreshing & tastey these drinks are on me.

May 27 will be my first day of only juicing which will continue through June 9 or longer.

More to come.........